
王莲 简介?

王莲 简介?

王莲(Victoria regia)为睡莲科王莲属植物的统称,属睡莲科多年生或一年生大型浮叶草本。有直立的根状短茎和发达的不定须根,白色。王莲包括原生种亚马逊王莲(Victoria amazonica)、克鲁兹王莲(Victoria cruziana)和两者杂交而成、叶片最大的长木王莲(Longwood)。











Wang Lin tropical water lily known for the ornamental aquatic plants, aquatic plants with the world’s largest leaves, up to 3 meters in diameter, glossy, margins on volume, just like a float on a large emerald jade plate; their veins and the general structure of different plants, veins, into the rib-shaped, like an umbrella stand, it has great buoyancy, up to six 70 kg weight bearing objects instead of sinking, this amazing capacity to make other aquatic plants to compare it to no comparison, as a kid sitting on leaf surface, Wan Ru by a circular boat, leisurely tour zai, very interesting. Wang huge beautiful lotus, up to 30 centimeters in diameter, bigger than the lotus, has six 70 petals, were arranged in several circles within the sepals. Generally be open three days each flower about to open towards evening together, and change color over time, the first day of the evening, just above the water near the bud lovingly, milky white, to 19-20 when the gradually blooming and in half an hour to fully open, white jade flowers, fragrant, such as white orchids, often attracting beetles, very open in the septum between the stamens and stigma, flying, pollinating; day flowers on the close of the morning, wait until the evening, again in full bloom, the petals are from white into pink; wait until the third day of the flowers open, petal to further deepen the color, from pink into dark red, purple and finally wither, and sinking into the water knot and reproduce. Mature fruit, containing five 600 seeds, the size of Xingzhuang Si peas, rich in starch, edible, South America, people have called the “water of corn.”


王莲的叶子为什么能载人? 答:王莲巨叶的背面有许多粗大的叶脉构成的骨架,骨架间有镰刀形的横隔相连,叶子里还有许多气室,使叶子能平衡地浮在水面上,叶面上能载30多公斤的物体. 参考资料:《十万个为什么》


首先王莲的叶子特别大,有韧性,就跟船一样 王莲,为睡莲科热带著名水生庭园观赏植物,具有世界上水生植物中最大的叶片,直径可达3米以上,叶面光滑,叶缘上卷,犹如一只只浮在水面上的翠绿色大玉盘;因其叶脉与一般植物的叶脉结构不同,成肋条状,似伞架,所以具有很大的浮力,最多可承受六七十公斤重的物体而不下沉,这种惊人的承载力令其他水生植物望尘莫及,无法相比.如一个小孩坐在叶面上,婉如乘一只圆形的小船