落地梅花草又叫风轮草,是一种多年生草本植物,茎四方形,多分枝,全体被柔毛.落地梅花草生于山野草坡、路旁.分布于贵州各地苗乡.此外,我国东北至西南地区也有.秋季采收.鲜用或晒干备用. 作用:落地梅花草性冷,味苦;热经 功能主治:除湿解毒,凉血止血.牙龈溃烂,肾炎,血尿,无名肿毒.
肺心草 (《云南中草药》) 【异名】梅花草、白侧耳. 【来源】为虎耳草科植物突隔梅花草的全草. 【植物形态】见突隔梅花草 . 【采集】夏、秋采集,洗净晒干. 【性味】甘,寒. 【功用主治】清热润肺,消肿止痛.治肺结核,腮腺炎,淋巴腺炎,喉炎,白带,热毒疮肿,跌打损伤. 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,3~5钱;或研末.外用:捣敷.
你好,殿主!是江南几度梅花发. 鹧鸪天 刘 著 雪照山城玉指寒, 一声羌管怨楼间. 江南几度梅花发, 人在天涯鬓已斑. 星点点,月团团. 倒流河汉入杯盘. 翰林风月三千首, 寄与吴姬忍泪看. 刘著,原是北宋人,后由宋仕金,久居北国,词风清疏,别具一格.只可惜岁月无情,大浪淘沙,刘著流传至今的仅此一首词作.以词意着当为作者客居北地怀人之作. 上片写离别滋味 ,追怀往日那难舍难分的场面.望采纳,谢谢!
The Beatles的确是一支颇具传奇性的乐队,这支成立于1959年的利物浦乐队可谓家喻户晚,乐队由四人组成,开创了许多新的音乐风格,启发了不少新的思维和概念,丰富了流行音乐的形式与内涵。到1969年,The Beatles因为内部产生分歧而宣布解散,共创作发行了数十首佳作和20多张经典唱片,这些作品大致可分为四个代表时期:一是初期,以专辑《Meet The Beatles》为代表;二是1965年的《Rubber Soul》代表他们严肃的实验期;三是代表神秘及迷幻期的《Sgt Peeper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band》;四是由《The White Album》(1968年)所揭示的百家齐放的成熟期以及后来的一张《白色专辑》和《The Beatles Anthology》。
六十年代的流行音乐与当时的社会一样,一切都刚刚开始.The Beatles的出现,带给青年人全新的音乐,到处都充满着活力,他们的音乐急速变化,迅速成长,在短短几年中征服了整个世界,人们称赞他们为“乐神”、为他们疯狂,哪有几个现代流行音乐人不曾受过 The Beatles的浸润?如果说美国的年轻人用摇滚乐去摆脱那种彷惶、迷惘以及空虚感,那么英国的年轻人则是用摇滚乐去冲破维多利亚时代所遗留至今的种种陈旧道德规范和传统的价值观念。他们最大的共同点是,在物质高度充足的享受中不甘汛灭自已的进取精神,在激烈的摇滚风暴中以反叛的形象来表达他们对传统理性的否定和想建立一个更加充满自由和人性的未来,The Beatles的出现是第一次以摇滚乐的名义成为这个时代最有象征意义的精神偶像,当时的乐坛也受到了巨大的冲击,The Beatles那一大批主题深刻、内容广泛的音乐能在精神上体现出摇滚乐的真正实质,在世界摇滚史上,他们及其灵魂人物 JOHN LENNON被公认为是真正的摇滚乐“教父”。
The Beatle那种“把明天遥远地抛在脑后.愿你多欢乐”的无忧无虑的情调,一扫当时充斥在英国舞台上的陈腐、伤感、古板和陈旧的气氛,从而几乎使英国年轻的一代狂热不已,The Beatles的倔起意味着美国流行音乐在英国的统治地位宣告结束。
dale carnegie的简介
Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (originally Carnegey) (November 24, 1888–November 1, 1955) was an American writer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills. Born in poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, first published in 1936, a massive bestseller that remains popular today. He also wrote a biography of Abraham Lincoln, titled Lincoln the Unknown, as well as several other books.
Carnegie was an early proponent of what is now called responsibility assumption, although this only appears minutely in his written work. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people’s behavior by changing one’s reaction to them.
Born in 1888 in Buffalo, Missouri, Carnegie was a poor farmer’s boy, the second son of James William Carnagey and Amanda Elizabeth Harbison. In his teens, though still having to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk his parents’ cows, he managed to get educated at the State Teacher’s College in Warrensburg. His first job after college was selling correspondence courses to ranchers; then he moved on to selling bacon, soap and lard for Armour & Company. He was successful to the point of making his sales territory, southern Omaha, the national leader for the firm.
After saving $500, Carnegie quit sales in 1911 in order to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a Chautauqua lecturer. He ended up instead attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, but found little success as an actor (though it is written that he played the role of Dr. Hartley in a road show of Polly of the Circus. When the production ended, he returned to New York, unemployed, nearly broke, and living at the YMCA on 125th Street. It was there that he got the idea to teach public speaking, and he persuaded the “Y” manager to allow him to instruct a class in return for 80% of the net proceeds. In his first session, he had run out of material; improvising, he suggested that students speak about “something that made them angry”, and discovered that the technique made speakers unafraid to address a public audience. From this 1912 debut, the Dale Carnegie Course evolved. Carnegie had tapped into the average American’s desire to have more self-confidence, and by 1914, he was earning $500 – the equivalent of nearly $10,000 now – every week.
Perhaps one of Carnegie’s most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of his last name from “Carnegey” to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie was a widely revered and recognized name. By 1916, Dale was able to rent Carnegie Hall itself for a lecture to a packed house. [Carnegie’s first collection of his writings was Public Speaking: a Practical Course for Business Men (1926), later entitled Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business (1932). His crowning achievement, however, was when Simon & Schuster published How to Win Friends and Influence People. The book was a bestseller from its debut in 1937, in its 17th printing within a few months. By the time of Carnegie’s death, the book had sold five million copies in 31 languages, and there had been 450,000 graduates of his Dale Carnegie Institute
His first marriage ended in divorce in 1931. On November 5, 1944, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he married Dorothy Price Vanderpool, who also had been divorced. Vanderpool had two daughters; Rosemary, from her first marriage, and Donna Dale from their marriage together.
Though it has been stated that Dale Carnegie died of uremia[7], it is widely rumored that he died at age 66 by committing suicide,[citation needed] the official biography from Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. states that he died of Hodgkin’s disease on November 1, 1955.[8] He was buried in the Belton, Cass County, Missouri cemetery
作家:Donna Gamache 的简介
多娜·伽玛什(Donna Gamache),美国儿童短篇小说获奖作者
多娜·伽玛什1944年出生于明尼多萨、马尼托巴(加拿大),现居住在麦格雷戈、马尼托巴。她从马尼托巴大学获得艺术学士学位,并进修了1年。她在中学教过语言艺术和社会研究,并兼职小学和初中的代课老师。她的专长是小说,特别是儿童小说,但也写一些诗歌,偶尔也写纪实类文学作品。代表作品有a mother’s place母亲的地位。
Donna Gamache was born in Minnedosa, Manitoba, in 1944 and currently lives in MacGregor, Manitoba. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Manitoba followed by one year of Education. She has taught language arts and social studies full-time at the secondary level and has worked as an elementary and secondary substitute teacher. She specializes in fiction, especially for children, but also writes some poetry and occasional non-fiction articles.
virginia woolf 的简介
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf 1882-1941)原名弗吉尼亚·斯蒂芬,是英国现代著名的女小说家、评论家和散文作者.她的小说创作实践推动了现代小说的发展,她的理论进一步巩固了意识流小说的地位,她的影响在文学上经久不衰.但是,40年代到60年代,在英国对伍尔夫的评价一直偏低.从70年代起,英国文学研究领域却突发了对她重新研究的兴趣,甚至对她的“发疯”、相貌、癖性、爱好、私生活等等都有人进行专题研究.弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫已成为英国文学界的一位传奇人物.
Thanatopsis 是什么,分数全给了。请详细介绍
Thanatopsis 意思是;死亡观,对死亡的见解等
A meditation upon death.
Greek thanatos [death]
希腊语 thanatos [死亡]
A meditation upon death.
Greek thanatos [death]
希腊语 thanatos [死亡]
Thanatopsis 是什么:1
thanatopsis: [ ‘θænə’tɔpsis ]
n. 死亡观,对死亡的见解等
1. an essay expressing a view on the subject of death
Thanatopsis 是什么:2
Thanatopsis 《死亡随想曲》is a poem by William Cullen Bryant(威廉.柯伦.布赖恩特)
TO HIM who in the love of Nature holds
Communion with her visible forms she speaks
A various language; for his gayer hours
She has a voice of gladness and a smile
And eloquence of beauty and she glides
Into his darker musings with a mild
And healing sympathy that steals away
Their sharpness ere he is aware. When thoughts
Of the last bitter hour come like a blight
Over thy spirit and sad images
Of the stern agony and shroud and pall
And breathless darkness and the narrow house
Make thee to shudder and grow sick at heart;—
Go forth under the open sky and list
To Nature’s teachings while from all around—
Earth and her waters and the depths of air—
Comes a still voice—Yet a few days and thee
The all-beholding sun shall see no more
In all his course; nor yet in the cold ground
Where thy pale form was laid with many tears
Nor in the embrace of ocean shall exist
Thy image. Earth that nourished thee shall claim
Thy growth to be resolved to earth again
And lost each human trace surrendering up
Thine individual being shalt thou go
To mix forever with the elements;
To be a brother to the insensible rock
And to the sluggish clod which the rude swain
Turns with his share and treads upon. The oak
Shall send his roots abroad and pierce thy mould.
Yet not to thine eternal resting-place
Shalt thou retire alone nor couldst thou wish
Couch more magnificent. Thou shalt lie down
With patriarchs of the infant world —with kings
The powerful of the earth —the wise the good
Fair forms and hoary seers of ages past
All in one mighty sepulchre. The hills
Rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun; the vales
Stretching in pensive quietness between;
The venerable woods—rivers that move
In majesty and the complaining brooks
That make the meadows green; and poured round all
Old Ocean’s gray and melancholy waste —
Are but the solemn decorations all
Of the great tomb of man! The golden sun
The planets all the infinite host of heaven
Are shining on the sad abodes of death
Through the still lapse of ages. All that tread
The globe are but a handful to the tribes
That slumber in its bosom.—Take the wings
Of morning pierce the Barcan wilderness
Or lose thyself in the continuous woods
Where rolls the Oregon and hears no sound
Save his own dashings —yet the dead are there:
And millions in those solitudes since first
The flight of years began have laid them down
In their last sleep—the dead reign there alone.
So shalt thou rest; and what if thou withdraw
In silence from the living and no friend
Take note of thy departure? All that breathe
Will share thy destiny. The gay will laugh
When thou art gone the solemn brood of care
Plod on and each one as before will chase
His favorite phantom; yet all these shall leave
Their mirth and their employments and shall come
And make their bed with thee. As the long train
Of ages glide away the sons of men
The youth in life’s green spring and he who goes
In the full strength of years matron and maid
The speechless babe and the gray-headed man—
Shall one by one be gathered to thy side
By those who in their turn shall follow them.
So live that when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan which moves
To that mysterious realm where each shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of death
Thou go not like the quarry-slave at night
Scourged to his dungeon but sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust approach thy grave
Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him and lies down to pleasant dreams.
这个单词是从希腊语 thanatos 过来的
an essay expressing a view on the subject of death。