
virginia woolf 的简介

virginia woolf 的简介

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf 1882-1941)原名弗吉尼亚·斯蒂芬,是英国现代著名的女小说家、评论家和散文作者.她的小说创作实践推动了现代小说的发展,她的理论进一步巩固了意识流小说的地位,她的影响在文学上经久不衰.但是,40年代到60年代,在英国对伍尔夫的评价一直偏低.从70年代起,英国文学研究领域却突发了对她重新研究的兴趣,甚至对她的“发疯”、相貌、癖性、爱好、私生活等等都有人进行专题研究.弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫已成为英国文学界的一位传奇人物.

兰花的智慧 第7自然段运用了什么说明法?其作用是什么?

兰花的智慧 第7自然段运用了什么说明法?其作用是什么?

常见的说明方法有 举例子、分类别、作比较、列数字、下定义、作诠释、引用说明、打比方、摹状貌、引资料、画图表等. 第7自然段应该是运用了举例子,“如大根槽舌兰”;打比方,把那些吸引昆虫的“费用”节省下来. 起到补充和论证说明的作用.

dale carnegie的简介

dale carnegie的简介

Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (originally Carnegey) (November 24, 1888–November 1, 1955) was an American writer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills. Born in poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, first published in 1936, a massive bestseller that remains popular today. He also wrote a biography of Abraham Lincoln, titled Lincoln the Unknown, as well as several other books.

Carnegie was an early proponent of what is now called responsibility assumption, although this only appears minutely in his written work. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people’s behavior by changing one’s reaction to them.


Born in 1888 in Buffalo, Missouri, Carnegie was a poor farmer’s boy, the second son of James William Carnagey and Amanda Elizabeth Harbison. In his teens, though still having to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk his parents’ cows, he managed to get educated at the State Teacher’s College in Warrensburg. His first job after college was selling correspondence courses to ranchers; then he moved on to selling bacon, soap and lard for Armour & Company. He was successful to the point of making his sales territory, southern Omaha, the national leader for the firm.

After saving $500, Carnegie quit sales in 1911 in order to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a Chautauqua lecturer. He ended up instead attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, but found little success as an actor (though it is written that he played the role of Dr. Hartley in a road show of Polly of the Circus. When the production ended, he returned to New York, unemployed, nearly broke, and living at the YMCA on 125th Street. It was there that he got the idea to teach public speaking, and he persuaded the “Y” manager to allow him to instruct a class in return for 80% of the net proceeds. In his first session, he had run out of material; improvising, he suggested that students speak about “something that made them angry”, and discovered that the technique made speakers unafraid to address a public audience. From this 1912 debut, the Dale Carnegie Course evolved. Carnegie had tapped into the average American’s desire to have more self-confidence, and by 1914, he was earning $500 – the equivalent of nearly $10,000 now – every week.

Perhaps one of Carnegie’s most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of his last name from “Carnegey” to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie was a widely revered and recognized name. By 1916, Dale was able to rent Carnegie Hall itself for a lecture to a packed house. [Carnegie’s first collection of his writings was Public Speaking: a Practical Course for Business Men (1926), later entitled Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business (1932). His crowning achievement, however, was when Simon & Schuster published How to Win Friends and Influence People. The book was a bestseller from its debut in 1937, in its 17th printing within a few months. By the time of Carnegie’s death, the book had sold five million copies in 31 languages, and there had been 450,000 graduates of his Dale Carnegie Institute

His first marriage ended in divorce in 1931. On November 5, 1944, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he married Dorothy Price Vanderpool, who also had been divorced. Vanderpool had two daughters; Rosemary, from her first marriage, and Donna Dale from their marriage together.

Though it has been stated that Dale Carnegie died of uremia[7], it is widely rumored that he died at age 66 by committing suicide,[citation needed] the official biography from Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. states that he died of Hodgkin’s disease on November 1, 1955.[8] He was buried in the Belton, Cass County, Missouri cemetery

求Kalafina的简介 外加他的图片?

四位成员:Wakana / Keiko / Maya / Hikaru


本名:大滝若菜 (Wakana Ootaki)




参与组合:FictionJunction WAKANA


梶浦由记的独奏企划FictionJunction成员之一,声音伸展并溢出清凉感歌声。在Live『Revo&梶浦由记Presents Dream Port 2008』中初次登台。拥有一副清亮的高音,即使是在和声的时候也可以从背景里很清楚地听到,曾被梶浦由记称赞声线是“神女一般的歌声”。12岁的时候便开始学习声乐,17岁来到东京。在Kalafina的第一首歌曲oblivious中担任主音,她的声线与歌曲的电子乐完美地融合在一起,获得广泛好评。而在第三张单曲fairytale中,Wakana再度显示了她不俗的高音演唱功底。无论是悠远静谧的fairytale,还是深情款款的serenato,都让听者沉醉不已。08年还为SMAP、藤泽ノリマサ、户松遥等歌手的作品做过和声。由于在一次访谈节目中提到自己喜欢鲨鱼,所以被日本的Fans戏称为“鲛姬”(鲨鱼公主的意思)


本名:洼田启子(Keiko Kubota)






参与组合:FictionJunction KEIKO


梶浦由记的独奏企划FictionJunction成员之一,具有魅惑的低音。在Live『Revo&梶浦由记Presents Dream Port 2008』中初次登台。虽然拥有独特而成熟的低沉声线,但实际上说话的声音比较甜。由于清纯的外貌和活泼的性格成为组合中人气最高者,她和Wakana的高低音二重唱是Kalafina的一大亮点。2005年在一个名为「イアラ」(Iara)的女性萨克斯乐队中担任过主唱。2005年12月21日,Keiko和伊藤彩华的池袋路上Live组合イトクボ(Itokubo,取自两人姓氏罗马音的拆字组合)首次演出,一直持续活动至2007年6月。Keiko还是一个哈里波特迷。



《空之境界》 第四章主题曲加入的新人歌姬,由梶浦和SonyMusic共同从3万名应征者中选出,个人资料不详。是一个具有强烈乐感,音色浑厚的歌手。Maya没有参与第三张单曲fairytale和之后的一些演唱工作,有传言说是因为学业繁忙,非常可惜。但是,并没有退出团队.而且在fairytale的BK上,会发现有“Kalafina is Wakana,Keiko and Hikaru”的字样,这似乎预示着她的回归遥遥无期。



出生地:富山 hikaru




其实在之前的『Revo&梶浦由记Presents Dream Port 2008』的演出中,梶浦大神就有公开发表过:「Kalafina将会是一个无固定成员的团体。」而今后将会起用多位女性歌手(就有点类似FictionJunction那样的形式) 。不过就目前来说,开展活动还是以Wakana和Keiko为主的。






7月31日,Yuki Kajiura LIVE Vol.#2上,Kalafina四人首次一起出现在舞台,献唱开场曲,为演唱会预热造势。



12月27日,在Yuki Kajiura LIVE Vol.#3演唱会结束后不久,Kalafina的官网便宣布了一个振奋人心的好消息——2009年初春,Kalafina将发售她们的第一张专辑,专辑除了收录《空之境界》全七章的主题曲外,还会有几首新歌。同时,她们的第四张单曲《Lacrimosa》也将一同发售。


1月10日,Kalafina官网公布了第一张专辑的相关信息,以《空之境界》第七章主题曲《Seventh Heaven》作为专辑的名字,加上新曲和overture一共是14首。初回版将收录Kalafina四人在Yuki Kajiura LIVE Vol.#2上同台演唱Opening Act的片段(08年12月24日发售的Yuki Kajiura Live 2008.07.31的DVD因为版权问题没有将其收录)。

2月25日,Kalafina官方网站更新,3月8号将有一个小型的歌迷见面会Kalafina Kick Off Greeting Vol.0,需在日本当地用手机发送指定密码到官方邮箱,随机抽取200名幸运听众。而在3月4号同时购买《Seventh Heaven》和《Lacrimosa》的歌迷将有机会得到参加Kalafina Closed Premium Live的入场券,限量500名,Live的时间是5月19日,地点为Shibuya O-WEST。此外,5月22日,梶浦由记和Kalafina将受邀前往美国,参加在波士顿举行的Anime Boston动漫展览会活动。

3月4日,《Seventh Heaven》和《Lacrimosa》同时发售,Oricon公信榜日榜分别排名第8位和第10位。






KalafinaSeventh Heaven


tom dwan的介绍?

就说1下你举的例子。首先介绍1下他们打这个局的背景,他们之间有个约定,谁拿着2 7 赢了pot,每一个人就要给他5百美金,虽然5百美金对他们的stake来讲很少,但是却是1项极成心思的鼓励他们玩这个手牌的办法。所以这里elizera用 2 7 suited跟进了,并且用很好的打法尝试着拿下pot。唯1不喜欢的事elizera在转牌出来的时候pot size bet,我觉得那是没有必要的,由于转牌出a反而bet大注,非常像是bluff,在这里委曲能够算是semi-bluff,然后想在转牌的时候把pot拿下。惋惜tom dwan的读牌能力告知他,flop上他是领先的,转牌上的a并没有改变局势,对他来讲这个call非常的简单。河牌出了4,没有flush面,elizera value bet,这很伤脑经,由于如果elizera拿着5 7红桃,乃至5 7 os的话,也是可以用一样的打法,所以tom斟酌了很久,虽然下注不大,但是这就是顶级牌手和1般牌手较量的差别,我相信如果elizera对抗的是1个菜鸟,那末他1定会在河牌下大注,吓跑bottom pair,可是对手是tom,4分之1pot的下注已足以构成威慑力。但是tom没有放弃,估计是基于继续相信自己转牌上的判断,觉得对手是在semi bluff,拿着两张大红桃最后没中,因而完成了这1经典的call。






求助lord chesterfield的简介和他著名的letters to his son…

Not originally intended for publication, the celebrated and controversial correspondences between Lord Chesterfield and his son Philip, dating from 1737, were praised in their day as a complete manual of education, and despised by Samuel Johnson for teaching “the morals of a whore and the manners of a dancing-master.” Reflecting the political craft of a leading statesman and the urbane wit of a man who associated with Pope, Addison, and Swift, Lord Chesterfield’s Letters reveal the author’s political cynicism, his views on good breeding, and instruction to his son in etiquette and the worldly arts. The only annotated selection of this breadth available in paperback, these entertaining letters illuminate the fascinating aspects of eighteenth-century life and manners. Features Sheds light on the political and social history, and the literature of the eighteenth century his edition offers a wider selection and better annotation than any other paperback edition.

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克里斯汀 斯图尔特 英文简介 老师让写的,就是有什么生日,最喜欢什么之类的,简单点,一般能看懂或带中文

克里斯汀·斯图尔特 – 英文资料

Kristen Stewart Biography

Date of Birth

9 April 1990, Los Angeles, California, USA

Birth Name

Kristen Jaymes Stewart




5′ 6″ (1.68 m)


Is an avid surfer.

Has an older brother named Cameron. They both live with their parents in the Los Angeles area.

Her father is John Stewart, a TV Producer who works at FOX TV. Currently co-producing “On-Air with Ryan Seacrest” (2004).

Shares her birthday, April 9, with actor Dennis Quaid who played her father in Cold Creek Manor (2003).

Born in Los Angeles, California and then spent some of her early years in Colorado and has moved back to Los Angeles where she currently resides with her parents.

Replaced Hayden Panettiere in Panic Room (2002).

Personal Quotes

On working on the film Panic Room (2002) with such a big name star as Jodie Foster: “When I got Panic Room I’m like, ‘Oh my God that’s huge! It’s bigger than huge.’ I was kind of freaked out at first.”

Kristen Stewart Filmography


What Just Happened? (2008) (pre-production) (attached) …. Zoe

Yellow Handkerchief (2008) (pre-production)

Into the Wild (2007) (post-production) …. Tracy

The Cake Eaters (2007) (post-production) …. Georgia

The Messengers (2007) …. Jess

In the Land of Women (2007) …. Lucy Hardwicke

Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) …. Lisa

… aka Zathura (International: English title: short title) (USA: promotional title)

Fierce People (2005) …. Maya

Undertow (2004) …. Lila

Catch That Kid (2004) …. Maddy

… aka Mission Without Permission (Europe: English title) (USA: working title)

Speak (2004) (TV) …. Melinda Sordino

Cold Creek Manor (2003) …. Kristen Tilson

… aka Maison au fond de la baie, La (Canada: French title)

Panic Room (2002) …. Sarah Altman

The Safety of Objects (2001) …. Sam Jennings

The Thirteenth Year (1999) (TV) …. Girl waiting to get a drink


“HypaSpace” …. Herself (1 episode, 2007)

… aka HypaSpace Daily (Canada: English title: long title)

… aka HypaSpace Weekly (Canada: English title: long title)

– Episode #6.23 (2007) TV Episode …. Herself

Shooting ‘Panic Room’ (2004) (V) …. Herself

“On-Air with Ryan Seacrest” …. Herself (1 episode, 2004)

– Episode dated 10 February 2004 (2004) TV Episode …. Herself

The Making of ‘Panic Room’ (2002) (TV) …. Herself