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66. The passage tells us _______ have a communication problem. A. parents and other people B. school kids and their parents C. teachers and their students D. parents and children of all ages 67. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you _______. A. don’t get to them often B. write a letter to them C. don’t speak to them politely D. express yourself well 68. The underlined phrase “cool off” in the passage means “_______”. A. to make yourself happy B. to get you quiet and relaxed C. to have a good rest D. to hide yourself quickly 69. If there’s really a generation gap between you and your parents, you’d better _______. A. have a talk with them often B. keep away from them C. agree with them all the time D. know about their values 70. From the passage we learn that _______. A. parents and children should not have a generation gap B. parents should show love and respect to their children C. there are some good ways to bridge the generation gap D. there are so many serious problems in families today 答案:D、C、B、A、C



苎 zhù 〔苎麻〕a.多年生草本植物,茎皮含纤维质很多,是纺织工业的重要原料;b.这种植物的茎皮纤维.